Saturday, February 9, 2008

Radios Done

Today was a busy day.

We got the radios installed. We're using a Yaesu HAM radio and a Motorola VHF radio lent to us from Event Rental Communications . This will allow us to constantly monitor the Alcan channel and be able to use the HAM for chat.

Our original plan was to use a Midland VHF radio purchased from Ebay. This started off as a good plan. But these radios need to be programmed to have the right frequencies. We bought the software, but could not find a computer slow enough to do it. The software requires a computer running at 100MHZ or less. This is a 15-20 year old radio, so this shouldn't be surprising. Anyway, we'll get the Midland programmed some day. In the meantime, we owe thanks to the guys at Event Rental Communications.

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