Monday, January 28, 2008

A skunk in the truck.

After clearing the snow off the truck this morning, I got in and fired it up. Then I noticed a smell, later localized to our new floor mats.

You know when you're in a car and smell a roadkill skunk, kind of faint, but still bad? That is what these smell like.

Some google searches for "hexomat smell", "hexomat stink", and "hexomat skunk", all turn up results similar to those I'm experiencing.

I'm going to through them in the back of the truck tomorrow and see if just being exposed to the air will make the skunk smell go away. I don't really want to return them, so I hope that works.


Brian said...

You should double-check for dung under those floor mats.

Hey, do you think you will be able to blog from the trail? Is that the plan?


Bill said...

No dung under the mats, and the smell is much less today than yesterday.

Our plan is to update the blog from the road, which should be possible all but a couple of days.


Doug Heredos said...

Who doesn't like the smell of skunk?

Jason Frohnmayer said...


What's got two thumbs and doesn't like the smell of skunk in their car or elsewhere?...THIS GUY! :)
'Course I hear in Alaska that skunk smells rank pretty low on the list of funky odors so you got that going for you.

Mac said...

Hey Bill and Doug - you can use tomato juice to rinse those mats to get rid of skunk smell. I had an experience early one morning while running and had to do my shoes to avoid throwing them away - it works.


Anonymous said...

ARTIC CIRCLE----WINTER-CAN YOU SPELL F-R-O-S-T B-I-T-E. YOUR NUTS ! good luck sounds like quite an adventure